
About Me

My name is Lindsay and I'm a licensed esthetician, a makeup artist & a mom to four. I've been in the beauty industry for 11 years & love the art of beauty. What I didn't know was that in the industry of beauty is also a scary truth I had never heard of until just a couple of years ago. Things like Bisphenol A, Parabens, Phthalates & Triclosan. To sum it up in one word, toxic. I never once thought about the lotion I was using on myself & my kids, the shampoo I loved, the soaps, makeup and sunblock. Wasn't everything on the market safe? Especially the children's brands? It never occurred to me that not only might it not be safe, but that it could actually be dangerous. When I got sick over two years ago, my life had to drastically change. Most of my illness was from hormonal disruption and thyroid problems and thankfully I've been able to get it under control naturally. I revamped everything from food to cosmetics. It's been a long journey, but I'm so glad to be on the road to health & better beauty where I can make choices about what's going into and on my body and those of the ones I love most. 

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