
Monday, October 19, 2015

Healthier Living - Where to Begin

I asked recently if there were post topics anyone wanted to see and I got amazing feedback from a friend. She said:

"Since turning 30, and especially having kids, my husband and I both feel like we've reached a point where we want to make changes to healthier living. We're tired of how we look and feel! But after 30 years of eating pretty much whatever we want, and the same with using cleaning and other products, I'm kind of overwhelmed with where to start, so I keep not doing anything. I would love advice from you, like a step by step guide on where you would suggest to start towards healthier eating/living."

I think this is a really great topic and one that is very relevant to most people who are looking into changing their lifestyle. It can be extremely overwhelming, so if you're feeling that, don't worry! Some people deal better with throwing everything out, starting from scratch and replacing items in a whirlwind all at once. While for a few this may work, for the majority, that just isn't practical and the thought of doing that can start an anxiety attack. 

I've created four simple steps that can help you get to your final goals without breaking the bank or overwhelming you. You can take it as slow as you need to with your ultimate goal a complete lifestyle makeover. 

1. Educate yourself
I think one of the most important things you can do is to educate yourself on the changes you are making or want to make. WHY are you switching to organic? WHY do you want to change your makeup over to non-toxic? WHY is important to get your current cleaning products out of your home? By researching these topics and answering some questions, you get a good foundation and knowledge as to why it's important to you, how far you want to go and what you want to change. 

The Environmental Working Group is a great resource for knowledge and offers a Skin Deep Guide for checking personal care/cosmetic items for toxins as well as a Guide To Healthy Cleaning database.

2. Make a plan
When you figure out what it is you WANT to change, sit down and make a list. It can be as simple or elaborate as you want. This can be a very important step for you if you're having a hard time taking action. By writing down your goals, you can see them on paper & check them off as you go. This can be very helpful to eliminate the overwhelmed feeling you can get. Instead of doing it all at once, you've got a list to go by and slowly complete. 

If you're wanting to eat out less, create a meal plan. It you've only got 5 things you know how to make at home, NO PROBLEM! Make the same things each week. It's healthier than eating out and it's a great place to begin. It's OK to start really slow. If you eat out five times a week and cook at home twice, make your first goal to eat at home three times that week. Prepare ahead, know what you're going to make and then do it! (You CAN do it!!)

Put your list somewhere visible that you will see all of the time. Make it a point to check off progress. It will help you see that you are getting things done and accomplishing goals.

(Picture and printable link from THE PLUMED NEST)

3. Swap When Empty
This is a great guide to go by when you want to replace pantry items, cosmetics, personal care & household cleaning items. Still have a little bit of foundation left? Wait until you run out to purchase a non-toxic version of what you were using. Have half a bag of flour? Use it up and then buy an organic version next time. By doing this, you're not placing additional costs on yourself. If you do this for all of the items you want to replace, you'll eventually have a whole new pantry, personal care and cleaning arsenal. 

4. Remember Why You're Doing It
Whatever you're reasons are for change, remember them! This can be key in motivation to keep going. You've got complaints and concerns or else you wouldn't be desiring such huge lifestyle changes. Use those as tools to spur on your personal movement. You'll start feeling and seeing positive changes in your life which will excite you, but sometimes it's hard! By remembering those first motivations, you will keep going strong! My kids keep me moving forward more than anything! They ignite my desire even more for healthy living! 

Find your reason! 

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